2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 #Author: Pierre Ratinaud
4 #Copyright (c) 2008 Pierre Ratinaud
10 from chemins import ConstructConfigPath, ConstructDicoPath
11 from functions import exec_rcode, exec_RCMD
14 from ConfigParser import *
15 from time import sleep
18 log = logging.getLogger('iramuteq.checkinstall')
21 version_glob = self.ConfigGlob.get('DEFAULT', 'version_nb').split('.')
23 version_user = self.pref.get('iramuteq','version_nb').split('.')
24 except NoOptionError :
27 version_user[0] = int(version_user[0])
28 version_user[1] = int(version_user[1])
29 version_glob[0] = int(version_glob[0])
30 version_glob[1] = int(version_glob[1])
31 if len(version_user) == len(version_glob) :
32 if version_glob > version_user :
36 if len(version_glob) == 2 :
37 if version_glob[:2] >= version_user[:2] :
41 elif len(version_glob) == 3 :
42 if version_glob[:2] <= version_user[:2] :
47 def UpgradeConf(self) :
48 log.info('upgrade conf')
49 dictuser = self.ConfigPath
50 dictappli = ConstructConfigPath(self.AppliPath, user = False)
51 for item,filein in dictuser.iteritems():
52 if not item == u'global' and not item == u'history':
53 shutil.copyfile(dictappli[item], filein)
54 dicoUser = self.DictPath
55 dicoAppli = ConstructDicoPath(self.AppliPath)
57 if not os.path.exists(dicoUser[fi]) and os.path.exists(dicoAppli[fi]):
58 shutil.copyfile(dicoAppli[fi], dicoUser[fi])
60 def CreateIraDirectory(UserConfigPath,AppliPath):
61 if not os.path.exists(UserConfigPath):
62 os.mkdir(UserConfigPath)
63 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(UserConfigPath, 'dictionnaires')) :
64 os.mkdir(os.path.join(UserConfigPath, 'dictionnaires'))
67 DictUser = self.ConfigPath
68 DictAppli = ConstructConfigPath(self.AppliPath,user=False)
69 for item, filein in DictUser.iteritems():
70 if not item == u'global' and not item == u'path' and not item == u'preferences' and not item == u'history' :
71 shutil.copyfile(DictAppli[item],filein)
73 if not os.path.exists(filein):
74 shutil.copyfile(DictAppli[item],filein)
75 if item == u'preferences' :
76 if not os.path.exists(filein) :
77 shutil.copyfile(DictAppli[item],filein)
78 dicoUser = self.DictPath
79 dicoAppli = ConstructDicoPath(self.AppliPath)
81 if not os.path.exists(dicoUser[fi]) and os.path.exists(dicoAppli[fi]):
82 shutil.copyfile(dicoAppli[fi], dicoUser[fi])
84 def CheckRPath(PathPath):
85 if not os.path.exists(PathPath.get('PATHS','rpath')):
93 if 'ProgramFiles' in os.environ :
94 progpaths.append(os.environ['ProgramFiles'])
95 if 'ProgramFiles(x86)' in os.environ :
96 progpaths.append(os.environ['ProgramFiles(x86)'])
97 if 'ProgramW6432' in os.environ :
98 progpaths.append(os.environ['ProgramW6432'])
99 progpaths = list(set(progpaths))
101 for progpath in progpaths :
102 rpath = os.path.join(progpath, "R")
103 if os.path.exists(rpath) :
104 for maj in range(2,4) :
105 for i in range(0,30):
106 for j in range(0,20):
107 for poss in ['', 'i386', 'x64'] :
108 path=os.path.join(rpath,"R-%i.%i.%i" % (maj, i, j),'bin',poss,'R.exe')
109 if os.path.exists(path):
115 if os.path.exists('/usr/bin/R'):
116 BestPath='/usr/bin/R'
117 elif os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/R'):
118 BestPath='/usr/local/bin/R'
121 def RLibsAreInstalled(self) :
122 rlibs = self.pref.get('iramuteq', 'rlibs')
123 if rlibs == 'false' or rlibs == 'False' :
128 def CheckRPackages(self):
129 listdep = ['ca', 'rgl', 'gee', 'ape', 'igraph','proxy', 'wordcloud', 'irlba', 'textometry']
132 dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Test des librairies de R", "test en cours...", maximum = len(listdep), parent=self, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)
136 dlg.Update(i, "test de %s" % bib)
137 txt = """library("%s")""" % bib
138 tmpscript = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.TEMPDIR)
139 with open(tmpscript, 'w') as f :
141 test = exec_rcode(self.RPath, tmpscript, wait = True)
143 log.info('packages %s : NOT INSTALLED' % bib)
146 log.info('packages %s : OK' % bib)
147 dlg.Update(len(listdep),'fini')
150 txt = '\n'.join(nolib)
151 msg = u"""Les bibliothèques de R suivantes sont manquantes :
154 Sans ces bibliothèques, IRamuteq ne fonctionnera pas.
156 - Vous pouvez installer ces bibliothèques manuellement :
159 Tapez install.packages('nom de la bibiothèque')
161 - ou laisser IRamuteq les installer automatiquement en cliquant sur VALIDER .
162 Les bibliothèques seront téléchargées depuis le site miroir de R %s.
163 """ % (txt, self.pref.get('iramuteq','rmirror'))
164 dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, u"Installation incomplète", wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.ICON_WARNING)
165 dial.CenterOnParent()
166 val = dial.ShowModal()
168 dlg = wx.ProgressDialog("Installation",
169 "Veuillez patientez...",
170 maximum=len(nolib) + 1,
175 dlg.Update(1, u"installation...")
180 dlg.Update(compt, u"installation librairie %s" % bib)
182 userdir <- unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), .Platform$path.sep))[1]
183 if (!file.exists(userdir)) {
184 if (!dir.create(userdir, recursive = TRUE))
185 print('pas possible')
187 .libPaths(c(userdir, .libPaths()))
193 install.packages("%s", repos = "%s")
194 """ % (bib, self.pref.get('iramuteq','rmirror'))
195 tmpscript = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.TEMPDIR)
196 with open(tmpscript, 'w') as f :
198 test = exec_rcode(self.RPath, tmpscript, wait = False)
199 while test.poll() == None :
200 dlg.Pulse(u"installation librairie %s" % bib)
202 dlg.Update(len(nolib) + 1, 'fin')
206 #self.pref.set('iramuteq', 'rlibs', True)
207 with open(self.ConfigPath['preferences'], 'w') as f :