if self.dlg :
if not 'dlg' in dir(self) :
self.dlg = progressbar(self, 7)
- #if not self.lem :
- # formes = self.corpus.formes
- #else :
- # self.corpus.make_lems()
formes = self.corpus.lems
tot = [[forme, formes[forme].freq, formes[forme].gram] for forme in formes if formes[forme].freq > 1]
tot = sortedby(tot, 2,1)
supp = [[forme, formes[forme].freq, formes[forme].gram] for forme in formes if formes[forme].act == 2]
supp = sortedby(supp, 2, 1)
- #print self.corpus.gethapaxbyuci()
supp = [[i, val] for i, val in enumerate(supp)]
- #self.corpus.pathout = self.dictpathout
- #self.corpus.make_type_tot()
self.result = {u'total' : dict(tot), u'formes_actives' : dict(act), u'formes_supplémentaires' : dict(supp), u'hapax' : dict(hapax), u'glob' : ''}
occurrences = sum([val[1][1] for val in tot]) + len(hapax)
print float(occurrences), float(len(self.corpus.ucis))
txt += 'moyenne d\'occurrences par texte : %.2f' % (float(occurrences)/float(len(self.corpus.ucis)))
if self.dlg :
- self.dlg.Update(7, u'Ecriture...')
+ self.dlg.Update(7, u'Ecriture...')
self.result['glob'] = txt
# for Zipf grap
while pid.poll() == None :
check_Rresult(self.parent, pid)
- #CreateIraFile(self.dictpathout, 0, corpname = os.path.basename(self.corpus.parametre['filename']), section = 'stat')
if self.dlg :
- #OpenAnalyse(self.parent, self.pathout['Analyse.ira'])
- #self.DoLayout(self.parent)
def print_result(self) :
if key != 'glob' :
dico = self.result[key]
toprint = [[dico[val][0],`dico[val][1]`, dico[val][2]] for val in dico]
- #toprint = [[line[0], `line[1]`] for line in self.result[key]]
with open(self.pathout['%s.csv' % key], 'w') as f :
f.write('\n'.join([';'.join([val for val in ligne]) for ligne in toprint]).encode(self.parent.syscoding))
else :
with open(self.pathout['%s.txt' % 'glob'], 'w') as f :
- #self.parametres['pathout'] = self.pathout['Analyse.ira']
- #DoConf().makeoptions(['stat'],[self.parametres], self.pathout['Analyse.ira'])
-#class Stat():
-# def __init__(self, parent, corpus, cmd = False, lem = True, exp = True):
-# logger.info('start text stat')
-# self.conf = None
-# self.parent = parent
-# self.type = 'alceste'
-# self.cmd = cmd
-# self.ConfigPath = parent.ConfigPath
-# self.DictPath = parent.DictPath
-# self.KeyConf = RawConfigParser()
-# self.KeyConf.read(self.ConfigPath['key'])
-# page = getPage(self.parent)
-# if page is not None :
-# self.corpus = getCorpus(page)
-# if self.corpus is not None :
-# self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['openpath'], 'Stat')
-# self.dictpathout = StatTxtPathOut(self.pathout)
-# self.val = wx.ID_OK
-# else :
-# self.corpus = Corpus(parent)
-# self.corpus.parametre['encodage'] = parent.corpus_encodage
-# self.corpus.parametre['lang'] = parent.corpus_lang
-# self.corpus.parametre['filename'] = parent.filename
-# self.pathout = ConstructPathOut(self.corpus.parametre['filename'], 'Stat')
-# self.dictpathout = StatTxtPathOut(self.pathout)
-# self.corpus.dictpathout = self.dictpathout
-# if not self.cmd :
-# dial = StatDialog(self,parent)
-# dial.CenterOnParent()
-# self.val = dial.ShowModal()
-# else :
-# self.val = wx.ID_OK
-# if self.val == wx.ID_OK :
-# if not self.cmd :
-# if dial.radio_lem.GetSelection() == 0 : lem = True
-# else : lem = False
-# if dial.exp.GetSelection() == 0 : exp = True
-# else : exp = False
-# self.make_uce = dial.check_uce.GetValue()
-# self.corpus.parametre['nbforme_uce'] = dial.spin_ctrl_4.GetValue()
-# self.corpus.parametre['max_actives'] = dial.spin_max_actives.GetValue()
-# self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_uce'] = self.corpus.parametre['nbforme_uce']
-# else :
-# lem = True
-# exp = True
-# self.make_uce = False
-# self.corpus.parametre['nbforme_uce'] = None
-# self.corpus.parametre['eff_min_uce'] = None
-# self.corpus.parametre['lem'] = lem
-# self.corpus.parametre['expressions'] = exp
-# self.corpus.supplementaires = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "2"]
-# self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
-# self.make_corpus()
-# if self.val == wx.ID_OK :
-# if 'supplementaires' not in dir(self.corpus) :
-# print 'supplementaire'
-# self.corpus.supplementaires = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "2"]
-# print self.corpus.supplementaires
-# else :
-# print 'corpus supplementaires'
-# print self.corpus.supplementaires
-# if 'typeactive' not in dir(self.corpus) :
-# self.corpus.typeactive = [option for option in self.KeyConf.options('KEYS') if self.KeyConf.get('KEYS', option) == "1"]
-# self.make_stats()
-# def make_corpus(self) :
-# if not self.cmd :
-# self.dlg = progressbar(self, 7)
-# else :
-# self.dlg = None
-# self.corpus.content = self.parent.content
-# #print 'ATTENTION : FROM TT'
-# #prepare_for_treetagger(self.corpus, self.parent)
-# #get_ucis_from_tt(self.corpus)
-# #qsdfqsdf
-# ucis_txt, ucis_paras_txt = self.corpus.start_analyse(self.parent, dlg = self.dlg, cmd = self.cmd, fromtt = False)
-# #self.corpus.make_et_table()
-# #self.corpus.make_len_uce(self.corpus.get_tot_occ_from_ucis_txt(ucis_txt))
-## self.corpus.check_double(ucis_txt)
-# del ucis_txt
-# if not self.cmd :
-# self.dlg.Update(5, '%i UCI...' % len(ucis_paras_txt))
-# self.corpus.make_ucis_paras_uces(ucis_paras_txt, make_uce = self.make_uce)
-# del ucis_paras_txt
-## effuci = [[`i`, `len(uce)`] for i, uci in enumerate(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces) for para in uci for uce in para]
-## with open('/home/pierre/fac/identite/taille_uci.csv', 'w') as f :
-## f.write('\n'.join([';'.join(val) for val in effuci]))
-## print effuci[0:30]
-## print max(effuci), min(effuci), float(sum(effuci))/float(len(effuci))
-## qsdfqsdfqsd
-# if self.corpus.para_coords != [[] for val in self.corpus.para_coords] :
-# self.corpus.parametre['para'] = True
-# else :
-# self.corpus.parametre['para'] = False
-# self.corpus.make_etoiles(self.corpus.para_coords)
-# print 'len(ucis_paras_uces', len(self.corpus.ucis_paras_uces)
-# if not self.cmd :
-# self.dlg.Update(6, u'Dictionnaires')
-# uces, orderuces = self.corpus.make_forms_and_uces()
-# self.corpus.make_lems(self.parent.lexique)
-# def make_stats(self):
-# if not self.cmd :
-# if not 'dlg' in dir(self) :
-# self.dlg = progressbar(self, 7)
-# if not self.corpus.parametre['lem'] :
-# formes = self.corpus.formes
-# else :
-# formes = self.corpus.make_lem_eff()
-# tot = [[forme, formes[forme][0], formes[forme][2]] for forme in formes if formes[forme][0] > 1]
-# tot = sortedby(tot, 2,1)
-# tot = [[i, val] for i, val in enumerate(tot)]
-# hapax = [[forme, formes[forme][0], formes[forme][2]] for forme in formes if formes[forme][0] == 1]
-# hapax = sortedby(hapax, 1, 1)
-# hapax = [[i, val] for i, val in enumerate(hapax)]
-# act = [[forme, formes[forme][0], formes[forme][2]] for forme in formes if formes[forme][2] in self.corpus.typeactive]
-# act = sortedby(act, 2, 1)
-# act = [[i, val] for i, val in enumerate(act)]
-# supp = [[forme, formes[forme][0], formes[forme][2]] for forme in formes if formes[forme][2] in self.corpus.supplementaires]
-# supp = sortedby(supp, 2, 1)
-# supp = [[i, val] for i, val in enumerate(supp)]
-# self.corpus.dictpathout = self.dictpathout
-# #self.corpus.make_type_tot()
-# self.result = {u'total' : dict(tot), u'formes_actives' : dict(act), u'formes_supplémentaires' : dict(supp), u'hapax' : dict(hapax), u'glob' : ''}
-# occurrences = sum([val[1][1] for val in tot]) + len(hapax)
-# phapax = (float(len(hapax)) / float(occurrences)) * 100
-# phapax_forme = (float(len(hapax)) / (float(len(formes)) + len(hapax))) * 100
-# moy_occu_mot = float(occurrences) / float(len(formes))
-# txt = 'Globale\n'
-# txt += 'nombre d\'uci : %i\n' % len(self.corpus.ucis)
-# txt += 'nombre d\'occurrences : %i\n' % occurrences
-# txt += 'nombre de formes : %i\n' % (len(formes) + len(hapax))
-# txt += 'moyenne d\'occurrences par forme : %.2f\n' % moy_occu_mot
-# txt += 'nombre d\'hapax : %i (%.2f%% des occurrences - %.2f%% des formes)\n' % (len(hapax), phapax, phapax_forme)
-# print float(occurrences), float(len(self.corpus.ucis))
-# txt += 'moyenne d\'occurrences par uci : %.2f' % (float(occurrences)/float(len(self.corpus.ucis)))
-# if not self.cmd :
-# self.dlg.Update(7, u'Ecriture...')
-# self.result['glob'] = txt
-# self.print_result()
-# # for Zipf grap
-# txt = """
-# source("%s")
-# tot <- read.csv2("%s", header = FALSE, row.names = 1)
-# hapax <- read.csv2("%s", header = FALSE, row.names = 1)
-# tot <- rbind(tot, hapax)
-# open_file_graph("%s", width = 400, height = 400)
-# plot(log(tot[,1]), log = 'x', xlab='log(rangs)', ylab = 'log(frequences)', col = 'red', pch=16)
-# dev.off()
-# """ % (self.parent.RscriptsPath['Rgraph'], ffr(os.path.join(self.pathout, 'total.csv')), ffr(os.path.join(self.pathout, 'hapax.csv')), self.dictpathout['zipf'])
-# tmpscript = tempfile.mktemp(dir=self.parent.TEMPDIR)
-# with open(tmpscript, 'w') as f :
-# f.write(txt)
-# pid = exec_rcode(self.parent.RPath, tmpscript, wait = False)
-# while pid.poll() == None :
-# sleep(0.2)
-# check_Rresult(self.parent, pid)
-# self.corpus.save_corpus(self.dictpathout['db'])
-# CreateIraFile(self.dictpathout, 0, corpname = os.path.basename(self.corpus.parametre['filename']), section = 'stat')
-# if not self.cmd :
-# OpenAnalyse(self.parent, self.dictpathout['ira'])
-# #self.DoLayout(self.parent)
-# self.dlg.Destroy()
-# def print_result(self) :
-# for key in self.result :
-# if key != 'glob' :
-# dico = self.result[key]
-# toprint = [[dico[val][0],`dico[val][1]`, dico[val][2]] for val in dico]
-# #toprint = [[line[0], `line[1]`] for line in self.result[key]]
-# output = open(os.path.join(self.pathout,'%s.csv' % key), 'w')
-# output.write('\n'.join([';'.join([val for val in ligne]) for ligne in toprint]))
-# output.close()
-# else :
-# output = open(os.path.join(self.pathout,'%s.txt' % 'glob'), 'w')
-# output.write(self.result['glob'])
-# output.close()
import logging
from openanalyse import OpenAnalyse
from corpus import Corpus, copycorpus
-from functions import DoConf, GetTxtProfile
+from tableau import Tableau, copymatrix
+from functions import DoConf, GetTxtProfile, TGen
from profile_segment import ProfileSegment, ProfilType
from search_tools import SearchFrame
from dialog import PrefSimpleFile, PrefExport
-from layout import open_antiprofil
+from layout import open_antiprofil, TgenLayout
+from guifunct import TGenFrame
+from textaslexico import TgenSpec
log = logging.getLogger('iramuteq.tree')
self.ild['clustersimitxt'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'clustersimitxt.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
self.ild['clustercloud'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'clustercloud.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
self.ild['spec'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'spec.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ imgmatroot = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'matroot.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ self.ild['matrix'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'matrix.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ self.ild['freq'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'frequences.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ self.ild['chi2'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'chi2.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ self.ild['reinertmatrix'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'reinertmatrix.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
+ self.ild['simimatrix'] = self.il.Add(wx.Image(os.path.join(self.parent.images_path,'simimatrix.png'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).Scale(16,16).ConvertToBitmap())
self.count = 0
self.matroot = self.AppendItem(self.root, u'Matrices')
self.SetPyData(self.matroot, {'uuid': 'matroot'})
- self.SetItemImage(self.matroot, 24, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
- self.SetItemImage(self.matroot, 13, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ self.SetItemImage(self.matroot, imgmatroot, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(self.matroot, imgmatroot, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
- for matrix in self.history.matrix :
- last = self.AppendItem(self.matroot, matrix['name'])
- self.SetPyData(last, matrix)
- self.SetItemImage(last, 24, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
- self.SetItemImage(last, 13, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ orphmat = []
+ for matrix in reversed(self.history.matrix) :
+ if 'matrix_name' in matrix :
+ child = self.AppendItem(self.matroot, matrix['matrix_name'])
+ self.SetPyData(child, matrix)
+ self.SetItemImage(child, self.ild['matrix'], CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(child, self.ild['matrix'], CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ if 'analyses' in matrix :
+ for y in matrix['analyses'] :
+ last = self.AppendItem(child, y['name'], ct_type=0)
+ self.SetPyData(last, y)
+ if y['type'] in self.ild :
+ img = self.ild[y['type']]
+ else :
+ img = 24
+ self.SetItemImage(last, img, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(last, 13, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ else :
+ orphmat.append(matrix)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
if itemParent is None :
itemParent = self.root
child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(itemParent)
while child :
pydata = self.GetPyData(child)
if pydata['uuid'] == uuid :
stat = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Statistics").decode('utf8'))
spec = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Specificities and CA").decode('utf8'))
classification = wx.Menu()
- alceste = classification.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Reinert method").decode('utf8'))
+ reinert = classification.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Reinert method").decode('utf8'))
#pam = classification.Append(wx.ID_ANY, u"Par matrice des distances")
menu.AppendMenu(-1, _(u"Clustering").decode('utf8'), classification)
simi = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Similarities analysis").decode('utf8'))
wdc = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Wordcloud").decode('utf8'))
+ subcorpus = wx.Menu()
+ subcorpusfrommeta = subcorpus.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u'Sub corpora from metadata').decode('utf8'))
+ subcorpusfromtheme = subcorpus.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u'Sub corpora from thematic').decode('utf8'))
+ menu.AppendMenu(-1, _(u"SubCorpora").decode('utf8'), subcorpus)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAlceste, alceste)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnReinert, reinert)
#self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPam, pam)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnStat, stat)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSpec, spec)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSimiTxt, simi)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnWordCloud, wdc)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSubTextFromMeta, subcorpusfrommeta)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSubTextFromTheme, subcorpusfromtheme)
+ elif 'matrix_name' in pydata :
+ freq = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Frequency").decode('utf8'))
+ chi2 = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Chi square").decode('utf8'))
+ chdreinert = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Reinert clustering").decode('utf8'))
+ simi = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Similarity analysis").decode('utf8'))
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFreq, freq)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnChiSquare, chi2)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSimiTab, simi)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCHDReinert, chdreinert)
elif pydata.get('type', False) == 'alceste' and pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
openmenu = wx.Menu()
antipro = openmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"antiprofiles").decode('utf8'))
navig = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Navigator").decode('utf8'))
statclasse = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Clusters statistics").decode('utf8'))
rapport = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Report").decode('utf8'))
+ export_classes = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Exports Clusters").decode('utf8'))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OpenAntipro, antipro)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnProfSR, profsr)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnNavig, navig)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.StatClasse, statclasse)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnRapport, rapport)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExportClasses, export_classes)
elif pydata.get('type', False) == 'stat' and pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
export_dictionary = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Export dictionary").decode('utf8'))
export_lems = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Export lemma dictionary").decode('utf8'))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExportDictionary, export_dictionary)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExportLems, export_lems)
- elif pydata.get('type', False) == 'gnepamatrix' and pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
+ elif pydata.get('type', False) == 'spec' and pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
+ tgen = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Tgen Editor").decode('utf8'))
+ computetgen = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Compute Tgen").decode('utf8'))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTgenEditor, tgen)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnTgenCompute, computetgen)
+ menu.AppendSeparator()
+ elif pydata.get('type', False) == 'reinertmatrix' and pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.opened :
openmenu = wx.Menu()
antipro = openmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"antiprofiles").decode('utf8'))
menu.AppendMenu(wx.ID_ANY, _(u"Open ...").decode('utf8'), openmenu)
def getcorpus(self):
+ busy = wx.BusyInfo(_("Please wait...Reading corpus").decode('utf8'), self.parent)
+ wx.SafeYield()
if self.pydata['uuid'] in self.parent.history.openedcorpus :
- return copycorpus(self.parent.history.openedcorpus[self.pydata['uuid']])
+ corpus = copycorpus(self.parent.history.openedcorpus[self.pydata['uuid']])
elif 'corpus_name' in self.pydata :
- return Corpus(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(self.pydata['ira']).getoptions('corpus'), read = True)
+ corpus = Corpus(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(self.pydata['ira']).getoptions('corpus'), read = True)
else :
cuuid = self.pydata['corpus']
if cuuid in self.parent.history.openedcorpus :
- return copycorpus(self.parent.history.openedcorpus[cuuid])
+ corpus = copycorpus(self.parent.history.openedcorpus[cuuid])
else :
irapath = self.parent.history.corpus[cuuid]['ira']
- return Corpus(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(irapath).getoptions('corpus'), read = True)
+ corpus = Corpus(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(irapath).getoptions('corpus'), read = True)
+ del busy
+ return corpus
+ def getmatrix(self):
+ if 'matrix_name' in self.pydata :
+ matrix = Tableau(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(self.pydata['ira']).getoptions('matrix'))
+ matrix.open()
+ return copymatrix(matrix)
+ else :
+ cuuid = self.pydata['matrix']
+ matrix = Tableau(self.parent, parametres = DoConf(self.history.matrixanalyse[cuuid]['ira']).getoptions('matrix'))
+ matrix.open()
+ return copymatrix(matrix)
def OnSpec(self, evt) :
self.parent.OnTextSpec(evt, self.getcorpus())
def OnStat(self, evt) :
self.parent.OnTextStat(evt, self.getcorpus())
- def OnAlceste(self, evt) :
- self.parent.OnTextAlceste(evt, self.getcorpus())
+ def OnReinert(self, evt) :
+ self.parent.OnTextReinert(evt, self.getcorpus())
def OnPam(self, evt) :
self.parent.OnPamSimple(evt, self.getcorpus())
def OnWordCloud(self, evt) :
self.parent.OnWordCloud(evt, self.getcorpus())
+ def OnFreq(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnFreq(evt, self.getmatrix())
+ def OnChiSquare(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnChi2(evt, self.getmatrix())
+ def OnSimiTab(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnSimiTab(evt, self.getmatrix())
+ def OnCHDReinert(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnCHDReinert(evt, self.getmatrix())
+ def OnSubTextFromMeta(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnSubText(self.getcorpus(), parametres = {'frommeta' : True})
+ def OnSubTextFromTheme(self, evt):
+ self.parent.OnSubText(self.getcorpus(), parametres = {'fromtheme' : True})
def OnProfSR(self, evt) :
ProfileSegment(self.parent, self.page.dictpathout, self.page.parametres, self.page.corpus)
dial = wx.MessageDialog(self.parent, self.page.pathout['lemmes.csv'], 'Export', wx.OK)
+ def OnTgenEditor(self, evt):
+ corpus = self.page.corpus
+ tgenpath = os.path.join(self.page.parametres['pathout'], 'tgen.csv')
+ tgen = TGen(path = tgenpath, encoding = self.parent.syscoding)
+ if os.path.exists(tgenpath) :
+ tgen.read(tgenpath)
+ if isinstance(evt, list) :
+ i = 0
+ while 'tgen%i' %i in tgen.tgen :
+ i += 1
+ tgenname = 'tgen%i' %i
+ tgen.tgen[tgenname] = evt
+ tgenframe = TGenFrame(self.parent, corpus, tgen)
+ tgenframe.Show()
+ if isinstance(evt, list) :
+ tgenframe.OnNewTgen(None, tgen = tgenname)
+ def OnTgenCompute(self, evt):
+ corpus = self.page.corpus
+ tgenpath = os.path.join(self.page.parametres['pathout'], 'tgen.csv')
+ self.page.parametres['tgenpath'] = tgenpath
+ tgen = TGen(path = tgenpath, encoding = self.parent.syscoding)
+ self.page.parametres['etoiles'] = self.page.etoiles
+ TgenSpec(self.parent, corpus, self.page.parametres)
+ TgenLayout(self.page)
+ def OnExportClasses(self, event):
+ corpus = self.page.corpus
+ if self.page.parametres['classif_mode'] != 2 :
+ uci = False
+ else :
+ uci = True
+ busy = wx.BusyInfo(_("Please wait...").decode('utf8'), self.parent)
+ wx.SafeYield()
+ for i in range(1, self.page.parametres['clnb'] + 1) :
+ corpus.export_classe(self.page.pathout['classe_%i_export.txt' % i], i, uci = uci)
+ del busy
+ dial = wx.MessageDialog(self, self.page.pathout['classe_x_export.txt'], u"Export", wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
+ dial.ShowModal()
+ dial.Destroy()
def OnItemBackground(self, event):
self.GiveFocus(child, uuid)
child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(itemParent, cookie)
#item = self.AppendItem(child, parametres['name'])
- print corpus
if corpus is not None :
item = self.AppendItem(corpus, parametres['name'])
else :
self.SetItemImage(item, img, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
self.SetItemImage(item, 13, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
self.SetItemBold(item, bold)
+ def AddMatAnalyse(self, parametres, itemParent = None, bold = True) :
+ uuid = parametres.get('matrix', None)
+ if uuid is not None :
+ if itemParent is None :
+ itemParent = self.matroot
+ child, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(itemParent)
+ matrix = None
+ while child :
+ pydata = self.GetPyData(child)
+ if pydata['uuid'] == uuid :
+ matrix = child
+ break
+ self.GiveFocus(child, uuid)
+ child, cookie = self.GetNextChild(itemParent, cookie)
+ #item = self.AppendItem(child, parametres['name'])
+ if matrix is not None :
+ item = self.AppendItem(matrix, parametres['name'])
+ else :
+ item = self.AppendItem(self.matroot, parametres['name'])
+ self.SetPyData(item, parametres)
+ if parametres['type'] in self.ild :
+ img = self.ild[parametres['type']]
+ else :
+ img = 24
+ self.SetItemImage(item, img, CT.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
+ self.SetItemImage(item, 13, CT.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
+ self.SetItemBold(item, bold)
def OnItemAppend(self, item):
- child = self.InsertItem(self.textroot, 0, item['corpus_name'])
+ if 'corpus_name' in item :
+ child = self.InsertItem(self.textroot, 0, item['corpus_name'])
+ else :
+ child = self.InsertItem(self.matroot, 0, item['matrix_name'])
self.SetPyData(child, item)
if item['type'] in self.ild :